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West Moreton Zone Rally Day.

Rally Day for West Moreton Zone was held 22 May 2019 34 Ladies and two Pastors present.

West Moreton Executive (left to right):
Maureen Itzstein, Jan Fischer, Delma Barrett, Dawn Heck, Shirley Klinge, Irene Gerhardt, Shirley Meier.

Theme for the day was the book of Knowledge- The Bible

The visual display in the sanctuary was an array of old and modern bibles some dating back to 1823.

Guest Speaker was Nicholas Robins  representing the from Bible League everyone found his testimony and history of the Bible League very interesting. Offering of $542.00 was passed to Nicholas for the work of the Bible League.

Thank you to Pastor Rob Edwards as host Pastor and Pastor Peter Geyer as Zone Pastor for sharing the day and word with us.

Shirley Klinge

President LWQWMZ

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