LWQ Newsletter November 2024
Final Year Lutheran Education Bursary Recipient Thank You
4th November 2014
Dear Heather,
I was so surprised to receive the bursary, I nearly fell off my seat when Andrew told me I had been nominated for it, and then in the next breath when he said it had to be awarded to myself and Anna, I was totally blown away. Thank you so much.
I am a married mum of 2 school aged children and it has been a huge effort for me to undertake my education degree. This year I have had to hugely reduce my working hours in order to focus on my final year of study. This has had a negative impact on our family budget, so the bursary was an amazing blessing to receive.
I immediately gave 10% of the bursary to ALWS as an act of worship and gratitude to God for blessing me with this money. I then used a portion of the bursary to join Dialogue Australasia Network which is a network for teachers who teach Religion in schools. As I joined half way through the year they were gracious and gave me 18 months membership instead of 12 months. I felt as though God was extending the blessing by giving me this extra 6 months of membership.
I also used some of the bursary to pay for child care as I had to attend university one day during the school holidays. I also purchased 2 textbooks and paid for the university shirts that I was required to wear during my practicums. I spent the remaining amount on the hire of my graduation gown, which I well wear in December.
So as you can see, the bursary was a huge blessing to me. It enabled me to pay for university related expenses without feeling like I was robbing our family budget. It really took the pressure off me financially in my final year of university. Thank you once again. I am grateful to God for raising up such a fine group of women as the LWQ who seek to bless other Lutheran women. Your support of my study has had a significant impact on me – both financially and spiritually as I undertake this Lutheran education journey.
Yours in Christ
Liza Page