Hosts: Prince of Peace, Everton Hills. Theme: Giving Hearts.. Helping Hands. Matthew: 25 v 40…
Brisbane South and Gold Coast Fellowship Day
LWQ Brisbane South – Gold Coast Zone
With the theme of “Love our Real Deal Saviour” LORDS College, together with St Peters Alberton hosted Fellowship Day 2015.
Jodie Hoff, Principal of LORDS, welcomed 30 ladies and gentlemen and gave a detailed outline of the school’s journey thus far. With over 400 students from Kindy to Year 11, and new buildings being constructed, the college is continuing to grow. The visitors joined in with praying the ‘College Prayer’ which is used at chapel, assemblies and at special occasions. We were entertained by a show case of music and singing from students and teacher Tania Hinz of the Music Department.
After a tour of the college, the support teachers – Tracey, Leesa and Tracy- (pictured) treated us to a delicious morning tea which they had prepared using the modern “Home Economics” facility. After a viewing of slides of the college, Jodie was thanked and presented with flowers.
Arriving at St Peter’s, Alberton, after a scenic drive though the cane fields, lunch was enjoyed in the church hall. LCAQD Bishop Paul Smith and his wife Heidi joined the zone for the afternoon program. St Peter’s president, Lyn Eggert welcomed all and Kaye Rossmann led ‘Praise Time’. The offering for the day was $325.00 which is to be donated to ‘LORDS” for worship resources. Bishop Paul Smith spoke of his travels throughout Queensland and the many functions he attends. Karen Bryce, LWQ president, reported on convention and asked that we pray for the new LWA executive. Pastor Mark Hampel, our zone counsellor highlighted our theme and conducted the closing devotion. Karen Stiller thanked all who attended and St Peter’s for being joint hosts with LORDS. Afternoon tea was provided by the team from St Peter’s fellowship.
Naomi Marks (reporter)