Hosts: Prince of Peace, Everton Hills. Theme: Giving Hearts.. Helping Hands. Matthew: 25 v 40…
Our hosts, Boonah Trinity Women’s Guild, warmly greeted us with a delightful morning tea and a display of a most amazing array of quilts, and artworks crafted by many of “God’s Gifted People” (1 Corinthians 12:7)
Boonah Guild members opened our Rally with a clever skit, using stick puppets to depict our different body parts. The narration made it very clear that any one part of our body doesn’t function well without the other. Each one of us has been blessed with abilities that we all need to recognise, use and share with each other to grow God’s church.
Shirley Klinge, WMZ President, and Faye Gutzke Boonah President, welcomed 22 members, Pastors Peter Geyer and David Schmidt and 6 visitors to Dugandan..
Our visual display was a painting of a Sunflower. Painted by Maureen Itzstein. We were likened to the petals on that impressive artwork. Just as many parts make up a body, so many petals complete the sunflower. The Holy Spirit shines gifts, talents, thoughts and energies on us “petals” that we are to use for good so that all things will flourish and give Glory to God.
Our guest speaker Dr John Osgood, a retired medical practitioner, has as a Christian professional, always had a passion for Bible history. An accomplished speaker and author of several books, he kept us spellbound. He has researched extensively the history of the nations from a Biblical perspective. Dr John took us on a journey from the period after the global Flood at the time of Noah, to the dispersion of the people groups after the Tower of Babel. Using what is written in the Bible, combined with archaeology and modern genetics analysis, he traced how the Aboriginal people of Australia came to this land, crossing land bridges caused by lower sea levels at a time of a Great Age. When we start with the Bible and the time-line Dr John presented, the evidence supports what the scripture clearly presents. We were all affirmed and
encouraged in our faith to have these things clearly explained to us. Dr John was presented with gift of appreciation.
We thank Pastor David Schmidt for sharing this day with us and presenting the Bishop’s message based on John 14:27 – “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.” Don’t let our hearts be troubled, find peace in every situation. All reports were accepted.
Our offering of $567.00 was directed to Qld District Disaster Fund for Flood Relief.
While singing “Be still my soul” we remembered those who had gone to be with the Lord.
As her final duty as zone executive member before retiring after 29years of service, Dawn Heck moved a vote of thanks to our hosts, Pastors, President Shirley (8 years of service), Jan Fischer (retiring after 8 years of service as Secretary and 7 years as Treasurer), guest speaker, book of reports authors and organist Joyce Damm, who accompanied us as we sang with gusto the hymns chosen for the day and wished all safe travel to their homes.
Zone Spiritual Advisor, Pastor Peter, installed the Executive for 2022-23 and concluded the day with devotion. A video featuring many famous people who had been advised, in their formative years, that they were “not capable of accomplishing anything” had succeeded despite the prediction reminding us that we have God given talents that should not be ignored. Gifts of the Spirit are as numerous as we are as Christians. What are our talents? We need to identify and use these gifts. We all have a role to play. There are many different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served.
President Shirley presented gifts to both Dawn and Jan acknowledging their many years of dedication and faithful service to the West Moreton Zone.
After singing “Bless our Food’ we enjoy our lunch and fellowship. A blessing we truly appreciate and value now the restrictions of the pandemic have eased.
Jill Manteufel – Reporter.