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St. John’s Women’s Guild 90th Anniversary
St John’s Lutheran Women’s Guild, Wilsonton Toowoomba Qld
90th Anniversary Birthday Celebrations
On 17 May 1934, St. John’s Women’s Guild was formed by the late Mrs. Rogge, wife of the late Pastor H Rogge. On 12 May 2024, during the Divine Service, some of the present members of the Guild read Bible readings and prayers. An anniversary cake was shared with members of the congregation.
On Friday 17 May, the Guild celebrated their 90th anniversary with a social morning tea and guest speaker, and a celebration cake cut by two members, both aged over ninety years. The history of the Guild, both as a power point presentation and in booklet form, put together by on of the congregational members was also a highlight of the celebration.
We thank God for our dedicated members, both past and present. Monthly meetings continue to be held, with Bible studies led by our Pastor, followed by a cuppa and chat, and then any items of business are discussed. At present our membership consists of 23.
Our Guild continues to hold Morning Teas with guest speakers, supports Zone Rallies and Fellowship Days and in more recent times, World Day of Prayer. Many charities, Zone projects, and Gifts of Grace continue to be supported, as well as catering for members funerals. Entertainment and afternoon tea are the highlight of our annual visits to Salem and Northridge Aged Care Facilities. We thank God for those women, who ninety years ago formed our St. John’s Guild, also for the faithful members, who have served since its formation and as we go forward in faith, we pray that God will continue to bless our Guild as we continue to live out our motto of “Serve the Lord with Gladness.”
Lynette Kanowski
Guild Secretary