Hosts: Prince of Peace, Everton Hills. Theme: Giving Hearts.. Helping Hands. Matthew: 25 v 40…
West Moreton Zone 51st Rally Day Report
The 51st West Moreton Zone Rally Day was hosted by Brisbane Valley Guild at Esk.
What a lovely day meeting old friends and new. 32 Members and 2 Pastors were present as well as Brisbane Valley Elder Kevin Ruthenberg, who was a real back stop for our day.
The theme for the day was “Blow Away the Chaff” with the Text Matthew 6 V 33.
With the visual display there was no need to explain what it was about, due to there being a bag of chaff with a fan beside it. This represented blowing away what was not required in our lives.
President Gladys Freeze welcomed all on behalf of the Brisbane Valley Guild, and President Shirley Klinge welcomed all on behalf of West Moreton Zone with a special welcome to Queensland President Karen and Vice President Shirley Horrigan, and Marilyn Barber for LWA. Shirley thanked Brisbane Valley Guild for the continuing to run the day after the death of their President Mrs Valerie Krisanski.
Pastor Andrew Neumann opened with a devotion based on our theme “Blow away the Chaff” using the breath of God into Adam as one example.
Our Guest speakers were Pastor Andrew Neumann (Lowood)who spoke on his life before the ministry as an Engineer and Christian counsellor and his family. Wife Heather has home schooled their children.
Pastor Peter Geyer also gave us his life story from Motorbike clubs to Hare Krishna to family to Australian Lutheran College, Pastor Graduate to Hopevale, then to Papua New Guinea. Both stories vastly different but both with mission at heart.
President Karen gave an informative up to date report on both the upcoming conventions.
Our offering for the day was for the “The greatest Journey” Samaritan’s Purse which was presented by Pastor Peter Geyer and $402.00 was presented to Pastor Peter for this venture.
Sadly, for us our in-memoriam Hymn “Be Still my Soul” was in memory of 9 members this year, a big loss to our zone.
Elections resulted in Mrs. Shirley Klinge re- elected as President, Mrs. Dawn Heck re- elected as First vice president and Mrs. Delma Barrett as 2nd vice president, Mrs. Jan Fischer as secretary/treasurer (sadly no nominations to relieve Jan of one the two positions) Mrs. Irene Gerhardt was elected as Nominations convenor and extra members Mrs. Maureen Itzstein and Mrs. Dianne Kleidon.
Irene Gerhardt moved a vote of thanks to all for the day.
President Shirley advised all the Fellowship Day would be held at Ropeley on 29 August and thanked everyone for attendance and wished them a safe journey.
Yours in Christ
Irene Gerhardt