14th October 2024 Hosted by: Alberton Ladies Guild AT ST PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH ALBERTON What…
Report for
Tuesday 15 September 2015
Theme: “Attitude” Philippians 2 v 5.
Our new hosts Faith College supplied morning tea in the undercover area outside the library. At 9.45 am students took us on a walking or bus tour of the college grounds and buildings.
Two students took the opening devotion. They spoke about being pure in heart – Matthew 5 v 8. They asked us what makes us pure in heart and what makes Jesus pure in heart. The students finished the devotion with a prayer and a blessing.
Principal Janelle Anderson showed a short video of the college. She showed us photos of the new stained glass window which will be installed over the September school holidays. We were invited to attend the Parish Confirmation service on 18 October to see the window in place.
Shirley Klinge, W.M. Zone President welcomed all to a day of fellowship on behalf of the Zone Executive.
Bishop Paul Smith, his wife Heidi, LWQ President Karen Bryce and visitors from other zones were welcomed.
There was 30 Ladies in attendance from all over the Zone plus Bishop Paul Smith, 2Pastors and 5 Visitors . Total 38.
We were entertained by the concert band, the choir, small groups of students and a flute ensemble. Hayden Welge, the college captain for 2015, welcomed us and spoke on activities of the students.
Bishop Paul gave us some insight into his life. He encouraged us to continue in Christian service and to pray for the upcoming Synod. He spoke about the Queensland parishes and schools which have vacancies and have extended calls. He asked us to pray for the church and its Pastors.
It was proposed that the offering be given to the Dirranbandi Service Partnership. Adults and students spoke about the service aspects of the program, the connections formed and experiences students have in Dirranbandi.
Offering of $500 was collected as we sang “Give thanks with a grateful heart”.
The Afternoon Praise Session was arranged by Faith Lutheran College and led by three students.
Marilyn Barber gave a comprehensive report and thanked the principal, staff, students and speakers for a wonderful day at an impressive school in the country.
Report: LWQ President Karen Bryce.
Karen spoke about connecting with younger women in our church. A Master Roll of members is being complied. She asked us to look at our church websites to make sure the Women’s Fellowship meetings and activities are included.
LWQ Convention 28/29 August 2016 at Bethania.
To finish the day Pastor Milton Fritsch led the Bible study based on the theme “Attitude” Philippians 2v5. Pastor handed out notes about the Bible study which included a map. He gave us some background about Paul and the Philippian Church. Pastor explained the “Christ Hymn” v6-11. We broke into four groups with each group reading one chapter of Philippians and recording the attitudes that are mentioned that help us to have the same mind as Christ Jesus. We then reported back to the whole group. Pastor Milton closed with a prayer and a blessing.
Pastor Reid prayed for healing for Melinda and then led us in singing the closing Hymn “Amazing Grace”. Faith College presented everyone with a gift bag as we moved outside for a farewell afternoon tea.
A memorable day was had by all.
Val Krisanski