Hosts: Prince of Peace, Everton Hills. Theme: Giving Hearts.. Helping Hands. Matthew: 25 v 40…
Wide Bay Burnett Zone
Wide Bay Burnett Zone 52nd Rally 4th April 2019, hosted by St. John’s Trinity Fellowship Wondai.
Almost 50 women from across the Zone gathered together under the theme, ‘Strength for your Journey’. We were feeling really strengthened following some much needed rain, an early morning shower, and welcome shades of green bringing a freshness to the landscape. Even the fresh Roses in the church which were lovingly arranged by Hazel Keding captured the hearts and aroma of many Ladies.
We were further strengthened as we joined voices for singing ‘ As the deer pants’, ‘Jesus please watch over us’, and ‘How firm a Foundation’.
The Opening service conducted by Pastor Mark Doecke, reminded us all, that we are on a journey just passing through life. Pastor Mark who does a lot of bush-walking, and has undertaken many hiking and camping expeditions throughout much of his life, showed us the contents of his backpack, and explained why each item is carefully chosen to ensure strength to reach the completion of the journey. The company of ‘Tanze’ his faithful Dog is especially important, as is the strength acquired from knowing God’s word. He encouraged us to look at Isaiah 40: 28-31.
Zone president Heidi Lane welcomed all, and as part of an attendance Roll call informed us that, at present we have 102 Members in the Zone, with 66 regulars attending meetings.
Bishop Paul Smith’s report was read by Pastor Mark and highlighted new Vicars, various Vacancies, Calls, Placements, Aged care services, Royal commission, Human rights bill and LYQ dinner; also encouraging us to walk by faith not sight.
Bible Study centred on the theme. In conducting this study Pastor Mark invited a number of women to show and tell the story of a pair of shoes that have been an important as part of their life journey. Some amusing, enlightening and really amazing stories followed. In groups of 3 or 4 we shared why stories such as these are God’s moments. Why God’s plan for our life journey is often full of obstacles. We read and shared thoughts from James 1: 2-4; and looked at the key phrases from 2 Thessalonians 2: 13-14 God chose our way, so that we would share in God’s glory. Jesus death and resurrection won our salvation, this gives us the confidence to stand fast throughout our journey.
The Installation of Office Bearers was conducted by Pastor Mark before lunch:
President: Heidi Lane
1st Vice President………………Pam Prange
2nd Vice President………………Val Smith
Secretary…………………………..Gail Knock
Treasurer…………………………..Kim Bryce
Extra Members………………….Gail Gerchow & Bev Jorgensen
Nominations Committee: – Nola Zerner and Joan Yappa appointed.
Table Grace and Return Thanks were sung to the tune of AT43 – ‘How shall I call You”.
Marie Pawsey, Promotions Officer of LLL provided an extensive display of Tracts and also delivered a comprehensive Report on the work, assistance, financial grants and other provisions available.
Praise Session was conducted by Eileen Beer followed with the singing of LHS 860 ‘Pentecost Prayer’; AT12 ‘We are family’; AT405 Lord of all hopefulness’; and AT161 ‘Majesty’.
The Offering was taken during the 2nd song in the Praise Session, which amounted to $809.00 and went to the Disaster Relief Appeal through LCA QLD., District.
Afternoon Devotion by Hazel Keding: Title – ‘Strength for your Journey’. Based on Habakkuk 3: 19 – the Prophet Habakkuk believed God would be his strength. Remember God gives us suffering to deepen our fellowship with Christ. AT614 ‘In Christ Alone’ was sung.
Guest Speaker, Gudrun Reynolds a member of the Murgon congregation spoke of her life experiences. Born in New Guinea of Missionary parents her work has covered all facets of life, from church, sport, health and everyday family situations. Jesus made looking at who He met on His walks and what happened, but especially His walk to the cross. He met and ministered to people where he was. Gudrun also spoke of using Divine Reading which includes reading, reflecting, responding to God, and resting in Him. We reflected on Mark 10: 46-52.
Zone Project – It was moved and seconded that the Project for the next 2 years go towards ½ to LYQ Kids Camp and ½ to Chaplaincy Appeal in the Wide Bay/ Burnett areas.
Memorial Hymn – LH347 ‘Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah’ was sung in memory of Bernice Neuman (North B’berg), Hazel Siddans & Elvera Lange (Kingaroy), Maree Aman & Lorraine Reynolds (M’boro), and Audrey Dionysius & Desley Marquardt (Wondai).
General Business: Fellowship Day 2019 will be hosted by the Gympie Ladies in September. Combined LWQ Retreat / Convention 2020 will be held 17-19 July at the Maroochy Waterfront Camp and Conference Centre.
Judy Guse asked all Ladies to consider combining the Zone Rally Day and Fellowship Day into 1 day a year from 2020.
Vote of Thanks:– Karen Bryce gave a comprehensive vote of thanks to all those involved in the day and in particular to the St. John’s/Trinity fellowship for hosting and catering.
Closing Devotion was conducted by Gudrun Reynolds, reading from Mark 5:21-34 reminding us again, to walk with God.
The singing of AT294 ‘God give you joy’ and AT194 ‘A Christmas Blessing’, bought to a close a day of strengthening moments and examples for continuing our life journey.
Report by Karen Bochmann