LWQ Newsletter November 2024

What a wonderful celebration was held at Trinity Lutheran Church Boonah on 19 February. The service was humble and dedicated to those who have served over the years followed by a scrumptious lunch presented by the ladies and a beautiful cake made and iced in red and white by Mrs. Lee-Anne Stumer.
As we entered the church with beautiful homegrown flowers adorning the sanctuary and the wonderful banner made by Mrs. Faye Gutzke, guild president. The banner depicted the Boonah Church and around the outside 100 hearts, one for each year. The wording on the banner was “How Great is The Grace of God”.

A big thank you to Boonah guild secretary Mrs. Maureen Itzstein who waded through many minute books and presented a comprehensive history of the Women’s Guild. Sadly, for the sake of room some sections I have shortened. As president of West Moreton Zone, I congratulate Boonah and the ladies past and present for the work they did and do for their Lord. Maureen thanked all those who assist the guild over the year especially Pastor Peter Geyer and wife Kaylene.
Shirley Klinge President LWQWMZ
Maureen writes: Based on Ephesians Ch. 1:6-7. Let us praise God for his Glorious grace, for the free gift He gave us in His Dear Son! For by the sacrificial death of Christ we are set free, that is our sins are forgiven. HOW GREAT IS THE GRACE OF GOD which He gave to us in such large measure!
On February 1st, 1908, a Mission Guild was formed for the purpose of supporting Foreign missions. When Pastor and Mrs. Seybold moved, the guild was discontinued.
Pastor and Mrs. Hiller arrived, and Mrs. Hiller formed a Ladies Guild on February 8th, 1923, with thirty- nine members. Meetings were held at the parsonage until the hall was built. The Guild membership grew to almost sixty by 1964. Around this time television arrived and people had a new interest.
On June 16th, 1970, an evening meeting was established to cater for those unable to attend day-time meetings. This Night Circle continued for eighteen years and then went into recession. By 1989 the attendance of Guild meetings was down to the mid-twenties. The Church had become the Trinity Lutheran Congregation around the mid 1990’s, so Trinity Lutheran Women’s Guild, Boonah, became our new name. By 1995 our membership was up to fifty again, but attendance at meetings was approximately twenty. It was reported at our 90th anniversary that the average attendance was eleven with a membership of 23.
Today many mothers and Grandmothers are still in the work force or have to be available to deliver and pick up their children from school or childcare etc. And many work with or for different charities, so it is difficult to gain new members. At present we only have seven members.
Today we remember those faithful members who have been called home to heaven. Many of these were in their 80s and 90s. Our prayers are also with passed members who are needing care in hospitals, aged care or cared for by family.
Our aims as a Guild are to advance its members in Christian faith and knowledge and foster Christian friendships, to assist our Congregation wherever we can, to support the projects of Lutheran Women Australia and Queensland, plus missions and other charitable endeavours.

But in spite of that of COVID, our Amazing God has allowed us, over the last ten years, to raise over $27,000 for our charities, through offerings, funeral catering, a social day and a few donations. HOW GREAT IS THE GRACE OF GOD.
At our meetings, our highest priority are Bible Study, Devotions and Hymns. This is the food for our souls, and we appreciate the leadership of our Pastor and members who fill in when pastor is absent.
These are some of the projects we have supported over the last ten years: – Tabeel Rest Home Residence Amenities Fund, Samaritan’s Purse Greatest Journey, Hospital Auxiliary, Christian Blind Mission, Lutheran Women Australia and Luth. Women Queensland Projects, Bible Society, Historical
Society, Asian Focus, Lutheran Bible Translators, Lutheran Media, Luth. Tract Fund, Trinity Church, Faith College at Plainlands, Teviot Place Units, Mary and Martha’s Refuge, Deborah Orphanage in Bangkok, Student Assistant Fund, and Australian Lutheran World Service.
Boonah Guild is a member of the West Moreton Zone and we take our turn as Host Guild for annual Rallies and Fellowship days. Our members try and attend these Special days and Lutheran Women Queensland Conventions and Women’s Retreats wherever possible. So today with deep humility and tremendous thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father for being our strength, we will continue to follow our Guild’s Motto to “Serve the Lord with Gladness.”
I will Finish with 2nd Peter Ch. 3:18. Continue to grow in the GRACE and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, now and forever. Amen.
Maureen Itzstein (Secretary).