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Brisbane South & Gold Coast Zone Fellowship day

14th October 2024

Hosted by: Alberton Ladies Guild


What a wonderful day of Fellowship and Friendship!  The day began with a welcome cuppa and morning tea. The ladies were then invited into the church where Robyn Berndt (President of the Alberton Ladies Guild) welcomed 25 ladies to the Zone’s Fellowship Day.

President Robyn Berndt

The theme for the day was “A tisket a tasket what’s in my spring basket?”. All those attending were asked to bring their lunch in a basket where possible. As we do a big spring clean of our house every year, we should also do a spring clean of our heart.

Spring Baskets

Sharon Tegan (Zone Vice-President) gave a hearty Zone welcome to all.

LWQ Treasurer, Leanne Warbrooke presented greetings from Val Kath (LWQ President) who is still travelling.  Val shared news from the LWA convention which was recently held at Murray Bridge SA.  13 Queensland ladies attended along with 4 husbands.

Pastor Mark accompanied by Helen Stolz

Pastor Mark Gierus had a short devotion on Lamentations 3:22-23. “Because of the Lord’s great love His compassions never fail. They are new every morning: great is your faithfulness”.  A drama, “THE MASTER IS COMING” was presented by 6 of the Alberton ladies. Many hymns of praise were sung whilst being accompanied by Helen Stolz on the organ and Pastor Mark on his guitar.  The morning closed with the beautiful old hymn “Blessed Assurance”.  The offering for the day was $230.00 which goes towards the Zone project – ALWS.  Each person made a posy of beautiful paper roses to take home.

The day of Fellowship and Friendship came to a close with a buffet style lunch shared from our baskets.

Reporter Colette Mangan.

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