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LWQ Darling Downs Zone Fellowship Day

 September 4th 2023 – St Peter’s, Pittsworth

“Singing from the Heart”

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight

       in you; in His Love, He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing”. Zephaniah 3:17

The gathering

Joanne Rohrlach welcomed 72 attendees to Fellowship Day, hosted by Pittsworth and Nobby ladies. We sang with our hearts, as we sang “Sing to God with Joy”, “Sing a new song unto the Lord” and “How shall I call you”, followed by a devotion based on the text. Music is infectious, like a miracle it brings people together. God’s song is over us all throughout our lives whether happy or sad times. The words of ”God Gave the Song” was read and our prayer, “Make my life to be” was sung enthusiastically.

Theme Painting

Jenny Stollznow, president of LWQ DD Zone officially welcomed us all to the day.

Pastor Rohrlach

Pastor Lionel Rohrlach led us in our Bible Study. We were encouraged to Listen in our lives for God’s singing over us, reminded of Gods joy when we are baptized, that Angels rejoice over 1 sinner who repents, and that the dark clouds help us to see our many blessings. He also passed on news of the district from Bishop Mark.

Pastor Mark Demmer led us in the offering prayer. The offerings for the day, $1072, will be divided between Lutheran Youth Ministry and Fred Hollows Foundation.

LWQ President, Val Kath, gave a report on her attendance at LWA Council meeting in July. ALWS thanked the LWA for the recent wonderful donations towards its work in Myanmar. Our prayers are desperately needed for these people who suffer so greatly. Accumulated funds have enabled our funding support of $10,000 each to Indonesia Study Centre , PNG Meri Wok, Finke River, Far North Qld & SA Missions, Deaconess In Malaysia, ALWS (subsidised by Government x 5). We were pleased to hear that awareness of the work of LWQ had been raised significantly by reports given at Synod by Avalon Hall and Marilyn Jonas. Maureen Turner, editor of LWA magazine, gave us an update on the magazine. Due to rising publishing costs, the annual subscription will rise to $20 with LWA subsidising $5 per copy.

Guest Speaker Josh Arnold

Our Guest Speaker, Josh Arnold, was then welcomed, along with his wife Natasha. A country boy from Tara Qld, Josh spends time in schools across cities and regional areas in Qld and Australia, connecting with children and writing songs inspired by their stories. Music brings people together, and he spoke about bringing children from different backgrounds and ethnicities from 20 different schools, to the Empire theatre in Toowoomba to sing ”Part of This World”. He is obviously passionate about his work and offered to write a table grace with us. This activity had us all thinking, and it was very enjoyable seeing it all come together. Robin Williams thanked Josh, and Jenny presented him with a basket of fruit.

Lois Schultz moved a vote of thanks to all involved in making the day a wonderful success.

Closing Devotion

We sang ”How Great Thou Art” before Pastor Demmer gave a closing devotion.

We have promise and assurance in God’s word. By God’s grace and His atoning sacrifice of Jesus, God delights in our coming together in fellowship.

Josh Arnold leading us in singing

Josh led us in singing our Table grace before we enjoyed lunch and fellowship together.

 We gather together in the presence of God,

Sharing these gifts….with grateful hearts

Blessed with new strength, and the melody of love

                                United as one…Singing from the heart, Singing from the heart…


Dawn Fagan (Reporter)

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