14th October 2024 Hosted by: Alberton Ladies Guild AT ST PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH ALBERTON What…
Faith – North Bundaberg Ladies Hosted the day with the theme “UNDER HIS WINGS” Text Matthew 23:378.
52 attended. Karen Bryce “Faith” and Heidi Lane, Zone President warmly welcomed everyone. Pastor Ryan Norris opened the morning with a devotion from Isaiah 40:28-31 Pastor Ryan stated we should never forget God in our ability to hang on during tough times in life. Take time to remember God’s faithfulness as He is always there for us. Just a prayer away. Trust and Obey and A Mighty Fortress were sung as well as learning a new song “God is like a big mother chook”
Secretary of the Zone Joan Yappa read greetings from the executive of LWQ and other Zones. Pricilla Norris prepared questionaries for the ladies to fill in with rules to enforce “If we were a queen.” Some very interesting and varied responses ensued.
Pastor Ryan’s Bible Study was titled “Fear and Peace” based on the text from Ephesians 6 v 10-20. Most apt in this time of the covert virus. Many other bible verses were read relating to this title but whatever happens God always has our best interests at heart. The devil is the real enemy instilling feat in us but we are encouraged to put on the full armour of Christ to win victory over evil. HOW? By prayer and supplication. Paul \was in chains in prison when writing to the Ephesians and he prayed not for his release but for boldness in declaring the gospel.
Following a delicious lunch prepared by the Ladies of Faith and their helpers, Alicia Graham led PRAISE TIME and Pricilla Norris gave a short devotion based on Psalm 91 : 1-8.
GUEST SPEAKER: for the afternoon Alicia Graham spoke on her 2018 trip to Kenya and a visit to the Kakuna Refugee camp taking bibles etc. from the Nuer and Anyuak speaking people of Pastor John Jock Riay’s Lutheran congregation at Camp 3.
The offering totalling $667.50 will be divided equally between Australian Lutheran College Women’s Auxiliary and Malaysia Women’s Care and Counselling Centre.
Heidi Lane gave a vote of thanks to all for a wonderful day and a video devotion of “It is well with my Soul” concluded a very enjoyable Fellowship Day.
Reporter: Judy Guse.