The LWA Executive committee regrets to inform everyone that the decision has been made to…
2023 LWQ Convention Minutes
Maroochy Waterfront Camp & Conference Centre
Saturday 20 May 2023
“Courage to tell our story” 1 Corinth 16:13
Hosted by West Moreton Zone and combined with Retreat Weekend
MORNING SESSION: (10.30am – 12noon)
Official Opening of 28th LWQ Biennial Convention:
President Shirley Horrigan welcomed all present and opened the first session of Convention (10.35am) held during our first combined Retreat/Convention weekend. Pr Paul Hage (LWQ Spiritual Adviser) opened with prayer for the opportunity to gather together and quoted 1 Peter 5:5 ‘humble yourselves with wisdom, discernment, listening ears and eyes fixed on Christ’; the Lord will provide. Shirley Klinge, President of West Moreton, the host Zone, also welcomed those present and gave a brief explanation of the display featuring their Zone Banner reaching many places through the theme “Courage to tell our story” 1 Corinth 16:13
Introduction of current Executive:
Pr Paul and Shirley H introduced other current Executive:- Lyn Weise (Vice President); Avalon Hall (Secretary); Leanne Warbrooke (Treasurer); Colette Mangan (Extra Member) (absent) and Pam Flesser (Newsletter Editor). Lyn Weise then conducted the Convention proceedings
Appointments: as suggested by LWQ
Minute Secretaries: Val Kath and Jenny Stollznow
Reporter: Pam Flesser
Time Keeper: Leanne Warbrooke
Electoral Committee: Lyn Klinge and Lois Schultz
Moved Karen Bryce, Seconded Tuula Contarino, Carried
Greetings and Apologies:
Greetings were received from LW SA/NT; LW Vic/Tas and LW WA; Jill Schefe (missed reading during Convention) and Robyn & John Williams, Moree (who were booked in & unable to attend)
Apologies received from Bishop’s Office and Jill Schefe
Zone Numbers – BNSC 15; BSGC 6; CQ 1; DDZ 11; FNQ 2; WBB 4; WM 12; LWQ Exec 6.
Total of 57 ladies (~13 first timers). LWA 1; Visitors 5; Pastors 2; Men 20
Minutes of 26th and 27th Convention: (Both Minutes presented in Book of Reports Newsletter No. 189)
26th Biennial Convention held 21 July 2018 at St James, Hervey Bay.
27th Convention conducted as a Postal Ballot (Convention cancellation due to Covid restrictions) with results announced 12 March 2021 and current Executive Installed by Pr Mark Demmer at St Paul’s Toowoomba. Moved Pam Flesser, Seconded Nola Zerner, Carried
Business out of 26th Convention Minutes:
Proposal 3: ‘That in the year 2020, we trial a combined Retreat/Convention at a time and venue to be decided’
Proposal 4: Be it resolved that Lutheran Women of Queensland seek alternative accommodation for future Retreats, due to Luther Heights, Coolum not being conducive to our present needs. However, we as LWQ would still support our aims for Lutheran Youth of Queensland.
Acknowledge that this trial is presently taking place and general consensus from the floor is that it is successful. Ladies encouraged to complete Survey forms at conclusion of weekend with their comments.
As much as we all love Coolum and Highfields, they don’t cater for the needs of the elderly (eg bunk beds, dormitory style accommodation and bathrooms, steep inclines etc)
Introduction of Zone Presidents:
Brisbane North & Sunshine Coast – Ruth Geitz; Brisbane South & Gold Coast – Kaye Rossman (rep)
Central – Carolyn Murdoch (rep); Far North Qld – Tuula Contarino; Darling Downs – Jenny Stollznow
West Moreton – Shirley Klinge; Wide Bay Burnett – Nola Zerner. A photo of Zone Banner and lists of Guilds/Fellowships was displayed on separate PowerPoint slides as introductions were made
Lighting of Memorial Candle:
All these ladies then lit individual ‘memorial’ candles from the one small ‘unity’ candle in remembrance of members who have passed away. (Due to fire alarm regulations, these had to be extinguished after the hymn)
Memorial Hymn:
All stood for the singing of a video song ‘There is one Gospel’ by CityAlight. A minutes silence followed
Reports: (majority of Reports presented in Book of Reports Newsletter No. 189)
LWQ President: Taken as read. Moved Delma Barrett, Seconded Margaret Festa, Carried
LWQ Treasurer: Treasurer’s Report is now Audited (no changes). Income/payment figures not always the same due to late payments. Important that membership fees received from 1 January to end of February each year. PNG Birthing Kits for freight only. Kits can be sent after August. Moved Leanne Warbrooke, Seconded Joan Yappa, Carried
LWA President: Grace Kroehn brought Greetings from the LWA Exec and LW Magazine Cttee. 2430 LWA members. 3400 subscribers to magazine (>1000 non-members). Gave a short PP presentation for the magazine. Announced LWA Convention 1-3 October 2024, Unity College, Murray Bridge SA. Moved Grace Kroehn, Seconded Leanne Warbrooke, Carried
LCAQD Bishop: Bishop Mark Vainikka’s Report was read by Pr Paul Hage. Moved Marilyn Jonas, Seconded Jenny Stollznow, Carried
Nominations Committee:
Current Nominations Cttee were introduced: Lyn Klinge and Lois Schultz (Jill Schefe absent)
Announced they were still seeking a President and a Vice President
Closure of Morning Session:
This concluded the morning session and was closed at 12noon. Grace was sung and lunch enjoyed, Retreat program continued immediately after lunch
AFTERNOON SESSION: (3.30 – 4.30pm)
Opening of Afternoon Session:
Lyn Weise welcomed everyone back to the afternoon Convention session (3.30pm)
World Day of Prayer (WDP):
There are vacancies for two Lutheran ladies on the WDP Cttee. A short PowerPoint presentation was shown to explain how this committee functions
Reports (cont):
Newsletter Editor Report: Pam encouraged Fellowships to buy extra copies of the Newsletter to hand out to others, leave in church foyer etc to show others what LWQ ladies are involved in, the projects supported and so on. Moved Pam Flesser, Seconded Karen Bryce, Carried
General Business:
- Ratify Newsletter price increase from $3 to $4 approved by LWQ Exec Oct 2021
Notation from 15 Oct 2021 Exec Minutes – After discussion, it was M/S/C that (in principle) the price for the Newsletter be increased to $4pa (from $3) to be ratified at the next LWQ Convention. This was ratified and Moved Tuula Contarino, Seconded Ruth Geitz, Carried
- Discuss email Newsletter version & costings
Vast majority of ladies still prefer a ‘hard’ copy. An email version is available from the website.
- LWQ Project
Choice of two LWQ Projects to start from 2024 was Moved Shirley Klinge, Seconded Lyn Klinge, Carried
- i) LYQ Ministry
- ii) Lutheran Women of Uganda (a short synopsis was given as this project would be covered by the dinner speakers who were also present with displays etc)
- Offering Recipient (Offering Bowls available for day visitors)
Half share each to the God Squad (they were Retreat Guest Speakers prior to Convention afternoon session) and Lutheran Women of Uganda. Moved Ruth Geitz, Seconded Marilyn Jonas, Carried
- General discussion on role/format of LWQ Exec, Zones, individual guilds, encourage membership etc
This was carried over to the Sunday Think Tank session
Election of Office Bearers:
Electoral Cttee and Pr Paul conducted the election of the following LWQ Executive
President: Val Kath (new)
Vice President: Hazel Weis (new)
Secretary: Avalon Hall (5 years)
Treasurer: Leanne Warbrooke (5 years)
Extra Member: Colette Mangan (2 years)
Moved Karen Bryce, Seconded variously, Carried with prayer & acclamation
Installation by Pr Paul took place during Sunday’s Worship Service
LWQ Executive Appointments:
Spiritual Adviser: vacant
Newsletter Editor: Pam Flesser
World Day of Prayer Rep: vacant (Felicity Bradford, Leanne Warbrooke expressed interest)
Nominations Cttee: Lyn Klinge, Jill Schefe, Karen Bryce
Comprehensive Vote of Thanks:
Karen Bryce
Closure of Convention Session:
Lyn closed Convention (4.30pm) with the words from Joshua 1:9 ‘the Lord your God is with you wherever you go’. All stood to recite our LWQ Prayer and sing the Retreat song “Colours of Day”.
(Another session had been allotted (Sunday 8.45-10am) for the carry over of any Convention business. This was used as a Think Tank session to discuss 1) what do we appreciate most about our meetings and 2) ideas to recruit new members. This was conducted by Pr Peter Geyer (WMZ Spiritual Adviser); discussed in groups (‘animal’ groups from Retreat) with time to share suggestions. These ‘suggestions’ will be coallated and shared at another time)
Convention Dinner:
This was started with pre-dinner drinks & nibblies (5.15pm for dinner at 6pm). Jenny Stollznow and Avalon Hall acted as emcee’s. Shirley Klinge and Nola Zerner presented ‘Thank you’ gifts to retiring executive (Shirley Horrigan & Lyn Weise); musician Annabel Boughen; Guest Speakers Lyndal Mayer and Eunice Wallis (Lutheran Women of Uganda) and Christine Matthias (Grow Ministries); Pr Peter Geyer and Paul Hage (wine) and bus driver Adrian Shepley (MWZ coffee mug). Faye Gutzke had donated 7 quilts used as thank you gifts.
Guest Speakers: Lyndal Mayer & Eunice Wallis – part of a team from ‘Immanuel’ Buderim who have been involved in mission activities in Uganda. Lyndal has been involved in build project’s with Watoto and from this experience is now assisting in medical, micro-business and educational projects for SOUP (Supporters Of Uganda’s Poor) in a Lutheran area of the Kamuli district. Eunice has helped establish a sewing room where the women make birthing kits and hygiene kits called (Dignity kits); financed the building of the room, sewing machines and materials. The women there also sew additional garments which they sell in the markets. They are hoping to establish more sewing rooms in other areas and teach the women in those areas to make Kits also. Eunice makes paper flowers (which are mainly sold in hospitals) and many other ‘craft’ items to raise funds to support and finance these women.
Some images from the event – click on a picture to see the full image.
The original combined Retreat/Convention planned for July 2020 was cancelled due to Covid. BNSCZ had organised and were hosts of the Convention section; WMZ the Retreat content. The same theme & much of the planning was carried over to this one and run by WMZ. BNSCZ had prepared several Bible Studies which were emailed around during lock-down.