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BRISBANE NORTH & SUNSHINE COAST Zone Rally Day 9th April 2024

Hosts: Prince of Peace, Everton Hills.   Theme: Giving Hearts.. Helping Hands.

Matthew: 25 v 40 “Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters you did for me”. An almost autumn day greeted 40 + Ladies and gentlemen as they were welcomed with a friendly cuppa.  Zone Pres. Ruth Geitz and Prince of Peace Pres. Gloria Harch, welcomed everyone. Guests: Included – Bishop Mark vainnikka – LWQ Pres. Val Kath & Sec. Avalon Hall and other visitors from Toowoomba.

Brisbane North and Sunshine Coast Executive

The opening Hymn “Wake us O Lord to human need” led us into Pr Nick Nolan’s Devotion. Pr Nick based his Devotion on John 20: 11-17. Mary Came back to finish her grieving and found the Tomb empty.  Jesus called her name, “Mary”!  When Jesus calls our name in Baptism, that is when we see Jesus. The humour in this story about “The race to the Tomb”. Peter & the other disciples ran to the tomb but John won the race and of course the tomb was empty. They did not understand, but then they believed the scripture, that Jesus had to rise from the dead. We also get caught up in our life, it is not about keeping score eg. Our baking/grandkids/ etc. It is about believing when Jesus calls our name.

Reports: LCAQD Bishop Mark Vainnikka reminded us about the significance of the ALWS “Walk My Way” in May. The money going to help the orphans who have lost homes and families because of the war in Ukraine. He explained how his father was displaced in war and even though he now has dementia and can’t recall Mark’s name, he can still remember what happened to him in the war. So too these children will never forget what they are going through right now. The scars stay with them forever. “Walk My Way” is the love of Christ at work. Bishop Mark also told us his generations trace back to Martin Luther. One of his forbears studied under Martin Luther. Life is slowly returning to normal after the devastating floods in Nth Qld. The 4th May, will be the dedication of “Back to Wujal Wujal”

LWQ Pres Val Kath reported on her recent visit to Central Qld Zone Rally/Retreat. 4 other Zones were represented also and a wonderful weekend was enjoyed. Val Praised the BS&GC Zone thanking them for a wonderful LWQ Retreat at Maroochydore. Everyone enjoyed – Faith, Friendship, Food & Fun  with their theme “Beach – Bible – Belonging”.

Zone Pres. Ruth Geitz: Along with her husband John has enjoyed visiting Fellowships within the Zone and other Zone Raly Days etc. Ruth’s message is “Be Strong and courageous, God will take care of you”

Zone Treasurer: Pam Flesser reported a balance @ 31/12/2023 $3,992.00. This year we are down on membership and encouraged us to invite new folk who maybe looking for Christian Fellowship, to join our groups.

Nominations for 2024:  We are blessed to have a full complement with one new member joining as an extra member – Marlene Deller, from Immanuel Buderim.

 Offering for the Day $752.00 will be donated to the Guest Speakers’ project: “Stationery Aid”

Zone Project for 2025 will be North Qld Missions.

Guest Speaker: Haydee Forster, from “Stationery Aid” spoke about how second hand stationery is repurposed for those in the community who are in need, while at the same time promoting environmentally, sustainable practices. Volunteers sort – clean, renew & remove any names etc. To enable a stationery (start pack) for beginning of the school year. They are in touch with over 50 schools through the Chaplains who help to identify those in need.

Closing Devotion: Jill Schefe told how our Lord speaks to us today as we have been reminded of His commission to us with our theme “Giving Hearts- Helping hands” words in Matt: 25:40.

Giving hearts comes from a heart that is right with God. His spirit called us by the Gospel and made us His own in Baptism. Be assured that when I say that, “I am a Christian” I am not bragging that “I am not perfect and I live a clean & healthy life” I am humbled and gratefully saying “I was lost but now I’m found”, and I know I am forgiven”. I can say “I am a Christian because Christ lives in me”!

A comprehensive vote of thanks was given by Judith Smyth

Lutheran Tract Missions table

We thank Lutheran Tract Mission who sent a selection of tracts embracing our theme for all to take and pass on a “Jesus message”.

Morning Tea Ladies: Helen Garlick (left) and Sharryn Cook (right)

We are ever grateful for the women of Prince of Peace congregation who so capably served the morning Tea and bring and share Lunch, enabling those involved with the day to concentrate and enjoy the Fellowship of the morning. Fellowship over lunch concluded our day.

Reporter: Pam Flesser

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