Hosts: Prince of Peace, Everton Hills. Theme: Giving Hearts.. Helping Hands. Matthew: 25 v 40…
West Moreton Rally Day, May 25th 2021
St. John’s Kalbar Ladies graciously hosted Rally Day in the Kalbar Lutheran Church Hall.
OPENING HYMN: – “As we step from the edge of morning”
Pastor Peter Geyer gave the devotion based on the theme for the day – “Dying to Live” taken from Romans 6: 3-5. Pastor used the examples of a butterfly. As a caterpillar’s life ends, it is awakened as a beautiful butterfly, or as a dry seed is planted and nurtured, it becomes a living plant. So when we are a believer in Christ, we will live again in heaven with our Heavenly Father when we die. Pastor concluded with prayer thanking God for all the joy, grace, and mercy He showers on us each day, and for giving us His Holy Spirit.
WELCOME:- AFTER 4 CANCELLATIONS DUE TO Covid and floods, with joyful praise and thanks to our Lord, Zone President, Shirley welcomed 33 members, Pastors Geyer, Vainikka and Jing & his wife. LWQ President Shirley Horrigan and Treas. Leanne Warbrooke. Kalbar Pres. Elaine Regeling extended a hearty welcome to all in attendance.
VISUAL DISPLAY:- Doreen Pocknee explained a painting of Stoney mountains, vacant vegetation, except for a bunch of flowers growing in a tine crevice. This was likened to us living in a world of darkness and when we are blessed with God’s Word and accept Jesus as our Saviour, when we die, we live with God forever.
GUEST SPEAKER – Wilson Neuendorf gave us a glimpse of his life story. Being raised towards the end of the 2nd World War during tough times in a German farming settlement at Kalbar, by strict, Christian parents, on a dairy farm. Milking by hand, feeding pigs, calves and chooks and growing farm crops and vegetables for home use. Clothing and petrol were rationed – shoes unaffordable. But they were always fed, had a warm bed and were loved. There was discipline, which set them up for life. A Christian home, morning devotions, Church was everything. Leaving school at age 13 to work the farm for his ill Father, made money picking potatoes for neighbours, and went share farming at 16.
Marrying the girl next door who became the best helper he ever had. They raised a family of 4 and like everyone experienced good times and bad times farming. Now enjoy grand and great grandchildren. Later years 2 sons returned to the farm. In our spiritual battles the enemy always tempts us to live our Christian lives that are fuelled by external things rather than by the Holy Spirit. When he learned that God’s Spirit lives within us and is with us in all we do and say and loves and cared for us, it changed his life.
REPORT:- In the absence of Bishop Paul Smith, Rev Mark Vainikka read the Bishops report. As there is a number of places without Pastors our prayers are needed for more young men to take up the challenge.
LWQ President: – Shirley Horrigan said she is looking forward to her term in her new role and hoped some of us would be able to attend LWA Convention in Horsham, Victoria in September.
REPORTS:– Were taken as printed, including Tabeel Management, Faith College and Ipswich Bargain Shop.
Memorial Hymn “May the feet of God walk with you” was sung as we remembers the dear members who departed to be with their Lord, during the last two years.
ELECTIONS:- Pres. Shirley Klinge, 1st Vice Pres. Dawn Heck, 2nd Vice Pres. Delma Barrett, Sec. Jan Fischer, Treas. Jan Fiischer, Add. Memb Wendy Paech and Maureed Itzstein, were elected. Pastor Mark Vainikka,
1st Assist. Bishop installed the executive Members.
CLOSE:- Pastor Peter based his devotion on John 12: 24-26 “I am telling you the truth , A grain of wheat remains no more than a single grain unless it is dropped into the ground and dies. If it does die, then it produces many grains. “The body of Jesus had to be sown into the tomb and He produced many saved souls, God gave Him up for us all. The Church exists for everyone. Dying in Christ is to live for Christ. We are to set our hearts on the things above.
VOTE OF THANKS:- Dawn Heck thanked everyone for coming and making this a beautiful day of Christian love and Fellowship, Kalbar for being our hosts, our Pastors and guests, The Executive for rearranging the day so many times, our organist, Joyce Damm, who stepped in with little notice. Dawn wished us safe travel home.
CLOSING HYMN & TABLE GRACE:- “To God be the Glory” and “Bless our food, Bless our friends” ended the morning.
Reporter: Maureen Itzstein.