LWQ Newsletter November 2024
West Moreton Zone Rally, March 2015
Theme “Catching Souls”—Hosts Minden
After enjoying a beautifully prepared morning tea provided by our hosts at Zion Minden, 55 ladies and a few gentleman gathered for the 48th Rally to be encouraged and be blesses by an opening devotion based on 1 Thessalonians 5: 15-23, and be presented by Pastor Carl Thiele (Minden Pastor).
Our aim should be to do good to all people, be joyful always, pray about everything and be thankful in all situations. God wants us to have an on-going relationship with Jesus and include Him in all our activities. If we are inspired to do something, we should let the Holy Spirit direct us and put all things to the test: keep what is good and reject what is not. Pray that God will give us his peace as faithfully work for him.
WELCOME; – Zone President Shirley Klinge and Minden Guild President, Noelene Victor welcomed all in attendance, especially visitors, and Noelene explained the theme. Nets were draped around the walls with lots of coloured fish in them. Jesus said to Simon Peter and Andrew, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. They left their nets and followed Him. The fish represent people of all nations to be saved, the nets—the gospel which is cast out into the world. The fish are people of the world (all colours) who need to hear the saving Word of God. Jesus asks us to follow Him, learn and understand His message and become part of God’s plan by “Catching Souls”.
LCAQD Report: – Bishop Noack gave us an update on QLD church news and this was much appreciated. There is so much happening in our State that we never hear about. “He said “Catching Souls” is a mission for all of us.
GUEST SPEAKER: – Tom Schmidt, Lutheran Youth Queensland, Co-ordinator of training and consultancy for churches in Young Adult Ministry. Tom said his work is very much “Catching Souls”. About 80% of youth pull out of the Church. Reasons: – Social context, access to too much! Non-biblical worldliness, they cut themselves off from old learning to computer, internet and mobile phones etc. they think the truths of the bible are not important. Morality slides, find truth for their own ideas. How do we Minister to young people in this context? They need to hear the personal faith of others and how it impacts their everyday life for the better. Through encouragement and love we can form a trusting relationship and share our faith. They want to be accepted and cared for. We are to be there for them through thick and thin. Support them and invite them to join us for a meal or a cuppa. The Rally offering which was $745.00 was donated to the Ministry of Tom for the Grade 12 Gathering Camp to train young leaders.
PRAISE SESSION: – Minden ladies led us in praise and also presented us with a few recitations which related to our theme. The Memorial hymn “Blessed Assurance: was sung in remembrance of those loved ones called home during the past year. Marilyn Barber shared her talents as our organist.
REPORTS: – Reports were received from LWQ President– Karen Bryce- sharing State news, WM Zone President-Shirley Klinge, reporting on the year’s Zone activities, Treasurer, Barbara Smith gave the Financial Statement and reported we have 11 Guilds and 129 members in our Zone. We were introduced to the new Manager of Tabeel Lutheran Home, Judy Bannerman, who gave us the latest happenings at Tabeel. As a Fund Raiser they made and printed a calendar for 2015 depicting the residents working at their different projects or attending different events.
Over 100 Calender were sold. Naomi Knopke reported on Tabeel Ladies Auxiliary. Due to age, illness and other health issues several members resigned from the committee. The Auxiliary has committed $27,000. From their account to assist with new equipment and some soft furnishings. Ipswich Bargain Centre reported 42 years of service and this year $26,000 was made and $16,000 distributed to various charities.
Marie Pawsey spoke on behalf of LLL and had a display of tracts that were welcomed by those present. Rob Evelyn, Manager of Anuha recycling Centre at Gatton spoke of the work and training of the disabled. This year they handled 3three and a half thousand tons of recycled material. Anuha celebrates its 30th Anniversary this year and many changes taking place. Marily Barber reported on the recent Retreat at James Byrne Centre held at Highfileds and well attended by ladies.
AWARDS;– Elsie Oddi, Marilyn Barber and Barbara Smith were awarded Certificates of Appreciation for many service on the Zone Executive. Clive and Val Kotzur received a bouquet of flowers in recognition of their long term services to Tabeel Lutheran Home.
OFFICE BEARERS:- All Office Bearers were re-elected and the Executive Members were installed by Pastor Milton Fritsch.
Val Krisanski moved a vote of thanks to everyone for attending and to all for the work that was done to make our Rally Day so enjoyable and up-lifting, to our Hosts, Executive members, the Pastors, Guest Speaker, Lowood Book Shop, LLL Display and reports.
Closing Devotion:- Pastor Milton closed with a devotion based on Mark 1:16. Jesus says to Simon Peter and Andrew “Come with me and I will teach you to catch men” . They left their nets and went with Him. In the troubled world of violence, home break-ins, anger, bitterness and greed, we need to be disciples. We have received the keys to the Kingdom and we should offer them to others. God’s grace and forgiveness can turn a life of turmoil into a life of peace, love and joy. Our world needs our prayers and actions and we can be sure that God will guide us. He is our safety-net and we have been called to be Fishers of men. Pastor closed with a prayer and installation of Executive.

Maureen Itzstein, Reporter.