Hosts: Prince of Peace, Everton Hills. Theme: Giving Hearts.. Helping Hands. Matthew: 25 v 40…
Wide Bay Burnett Zone 48th Annual Rally Report
Hosted by: St John Trinity Lutheran Church, Wondai
The Guild from St John Trinity consists of just 5 members with only one under 80 years of age. What an example for all of us.
A well planned and presented Rally Day began with a delicious and welcoming morning tea followed by a happy and cheerful welcome by Judy Guse. Forty-two ladies and visitors from across the zone were in attendance.
The opening service was ably led by Pastor Dylan Miegel from Gympie who stood in at a moments notice as Pastor Sam Davis was unable to attend due to poor health. The hymn’s ‘Take Thou my hand and lead me’ and ‘Hand in Hand’ opened our hearts and minds to the theme for the day – “In His Hands”.
First Vice President Jewel Rose Thomas extended a further welcome, as WBB zone President Pam Prange was unable to attend.
Greetings were received from a number of other zones as well as the Bishops’ office and apologies from a number of well known faces unable to attend, mostly due to it being school holiday time.
Karen Bryce, LWQ President gave informative report. Highlights including:
- the great work of Aaron Glover LYQ President.
- the extent of the work covered by the LCAQD Disaster Fund, which is being called upon almost constantly providing funding to all types of community care.
- We really are a multi-cultural church consisting of 60 different nationalities, especially at our schools.
- The confirmation book ‘Growing’ is now translated into Manderin.
- The Royal Commission is to date satisfied with the Lutheran Churches handling of specific problems.
- The need for each and every member to share the joy of being an active church member.
- LWQ is looking for a new spiritual advisor.
- We were encouraged to visit other zones for their Rally days.
- The James Byrne Centre was a beautiful place for the recent and very successful Zone Retreat
- LWQ continue to support graduating Ministers
- LWQ bookmarks are being re-printed and will be 60cents each
- Master Roll for LWQ members is being organised.
- All were encouraged to come to the LWA Convention being held at Rochedale on 28-29 September 2015.
- We were encouraged to support Lutheran Women Connect. Younger women are encouraged to join in fellowship and keep connected with other Fellowships who don’t want to have executives but rather meet for friendship and devotional mornings. Keeping connected with these women is very important.
- The next Retreat will be conducted by the Darling Downs Zone at Coolum in 2017.
Highlights from Pam Prange’s report (read by Jewel Rose Thomas) included:
- The WWB Zone has 114 financial members with average attendance at monthly meetings being 75.
- Many varying places host these meetings.
- Hervey Bay will be hosting Fellowship Day on 27 August 2015.
Kate Edwards presented a detailed treasurers report, showing a balance of $3644.44.
The final session before lunch was conducted by Pastor Rob Erickson of Kingaroy. The bible study for the day was based on Psalm 46 and Martin Luthers’ hymn ‘A Mighty Fortress is our God’, which is really a paraphrase of the psalm. There is a similar core. God is our refuge and strength. The psalm deals with nature – chaos – fear – destruction. The hymn deals with chaos and evil, a battle between us and the devil. “Mighty is the foe, but God is more powerful”. Today we live in fear – ‘fear’ is a great enemy of ‘faith!’ Luthers version in the hymn points us to Jesus. God says My Peace I Give, peace earned through his blood.
Spiritual warfare is both offensive and defensive. What weapons do we have?
THE ARMOUR OF CHRIST. Prayer – Faith – The Word – Forgiveness. “One little word can fell him”. (the devil). The word – ‘JESUS’.
Bible Study closed with the singing of ‘A Mighty Fortress is our God’.
A delicious and refreshing lunch was enjoyed by all.
The praise session included hymns; Holding our Your Hand, Search Me O God, My Peace I Give and Give Us Hearts to Know You Lord, and was conducted by Eileen Beer.
Hazel Keding then led the afternoon devotion which concluded by the singing of ‘I Heard the Voice of Jesus’.
The afternoon guest speaker was Lynda Lange who spoke about the work of Destiny Rescue. Lynda has been working to support this amazing group for at least 6 years. Destiny Rescue searches out and frees children as young as 5 who are being trafficked into the sex trade. These children are often forced to take part in the acts of this trade up to 20 times a day. Once being rescued from the trade they are cared for spiritually, physically and emotionally and receive education and life skills.They learn how to know they are loved, accepted and cared for. Pray, please pray.
Every 26 seconds a child somewhere in the world is being sold into the sex industry. Lynda, together with her husband and daughter are now preparing to go and work directly for Destiny Rescue in Thailand and Cambodia for the next 12 months beginning in July 2015. The family know this is the answer to the question they have been asking God for some time – “God what do you want us to do?” Lynda’s challenge – God has a purpose for each of us.
The offering from the opening service, which amounted to $400 was divided between Destiny Rescue and the work of School Chaplaincy in the Wide Bay area.
Our zone project – continues to support Pastoral Student Joseph Graham.
Our Memorial hymn – ‘Comfort, Comfort All My People’ – we remembered past members now resting in the arms of Jesus.
Special Birthdays and Anniversaries were remembered and honoured.
Election of Office Bearers as follows:
President | Pam Prange |
1st Vice President | Jewel Rose Thomas |
2nd Vice President | Bev Jorgensen |
Secretary | Gail Knock |
Treasurer | Kate Edwards |
Extra Members | Christine Davis and Kay Bochmann |
Nominations Committee | Hazel Keding and Val Smith |
Installation of Office Bearers and Closing Service was conducted by Pastor Dylan. This was followed by the singing of We are Family, Travellers Prayer and May The Feet of God Walk With You.
Well done Wondai – a really great day.
Some final encouraging words from Lynda, our guest speaker
- Start where you are
- Use what you have
- Do what you can
God can use anything we have, for us its too easy to get into our comfort zone. God has a purpose for each of us.
Kay Bochmann