Hosts: Prince of Peace, Everton Hills. Theme: Giving Hearts.. Helping Hands. Matthew: 25 v 40…

Brisbane North and Sunshine Coast Rally Day, May 25 2021
Rally Day dawned with God’s promise in the sky of a beautiful Rainbow. He really does show us that He is in control, God reigns and the Son shines…Everyone was welcomed with a friendly cuppa by the Ladies of St. Mark’s Caloundra as they arrived for the day.
Rally Day 2021 Hosted by St. Mark’s Caloundra and because of Covid restrictions on numbers, was held at Immanuel Buderim. Zone President : Judith Smyth welcomed 35 members and visitors. Bishop Paul Smith accompanied by wife Heidi was welcomed as this will be his last attendance as Bishop of Qld as a new Bishop will be appointed in June. President of St. Mark’s, Narelle Jefferd welcomed everyone and thanked Immanuel for their part in providing the venue for the Rally. Pam Flesser President of Immanuel outlined the Covid rules that apply for the day.
“O Praise Ye the Lord” our opening hymn was accompanied with music by our guest, Heidi Smith.
Pastor Ray Morris of St. Mark’s and the newly appointed Zone Spiritual Advisor, opened his devotion on the Theme of the day “Sharing the good news with love in Action” 1 John 4:11. Reading from v 7 – 21. God is love – therefore love one another. No fear in love, perfect love casts out fear. Love is a universal language. God’ love is reliable weather we deserve it or not. God’s love passes all understandings.
LCAQD Bishop Paul Smith gave greetings from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Bishop Paul while watching Prince Phillips Funeral Service was impressed by Prince Phillips conviction as a Christian referring to his life as a Naval officer and the perils on the water and that God is always with us. The Hymn “Eternal Father Strong to save.” Was a reflection of his Christian beliefs. The direction of the “Call process” and the looming vacancies of congregations needing Pastors is of real concern. Discussed such matters as – LCA Constatuntal review at General Pastor’s conference on ordination of Women. Please pray for the issue being discussed in parliament of voluntary Assisted dying. Pray for all leaders and their concern in Age Care.
In the absence of LWQ President Shirley Horrigan, Judith Smyth outlined the Executive meeting held in March at Toowoomba, as LWQ Retreat Convention was yet again cancelled. The new LWQ executive was installed. Judith thanked everyone for their support of the Ballot by mail held to elect our new President and new members of the executive. Highlighting the dates of the LWA Convention in September and check out the LWQ website for all information regarding Convention and events.
Judith Smyth based her report on Romans 5: 3 v 5 “We can rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character, and character hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom he has given us.”
PERSEVERANCE; during all the restrictions during the Covid year.
CHARACTER; The Theme chosen for the cancelled retreat “Courageous Women of the Bible” was the topic of 6 Bible Studies distributed throughout the Zone and state.
HOPE; 2021 has seen Fellowships meeting and planning again for Rally and Fellowship days. Members of the executive have agreed to continue in their roles apart from Extra members, Desley Logan and Esther Jones We thank them for their many years of service.
LOVE; The Holy Spirit has inspired many women and Pastors to serve our Zone. We thank Pastor Maurie Richter for being our Spiritual Adviser and wish him well in his retirement. Sadly Nambour Ladies have decided to close their Fellowship finding it too difficult to continue. We thank those ladies for their 90 yrs. of faithful “love” for their Lord and their contributions. In the devotional book, “Time out”, Inari Thiel commented on the powerful witness the older generation of Lutheran Women have given in their prayer and insights. (Page 120) Our membership consists of 112. So let us continue to persevere with the help of the Holy Spirit to support one another in LOVE and PRAYER.
Zone Treasurer, Pam Flesser outlined the income and expenses leaving a Cr Balance for 2020 $3,453.43 and Balance at the LLL $1,135.20. Pam outlined the Proposals – (1): that the offering for the day be given to Aboriginal missions in Qld. (2). That the Zone Project for 2021-22 be Mary and Martha’s refuge in Brisbane. Both proposals were accepted unanimously. The Offering to be given to Nth Qld Mission was $1,000.00.
Guest speaker Pastor Tom Jantke gave us insights into his service at Hope Vale. Born in Sth Aust. In 1944 and graduated as part of the last class from Concordia Seminary in Adelaide in 1967. He was assigned to the mission field in New Guinea. He married Lynette Braun in 1969. After 5 more years on an outstation in Kaiapit. Spending another 10 years in various positions and returned to Australia with 4 children all born in Lae.. Back in Australia they served in Mackay and Bethania before returning to cross-cultural ministry in Hope Vale. He told of domestic violence being a problem and there is no gambling in Hope Vale, although drinking does present another problem. There was 5 suicides in 1 year. One old man came into church one day and declared he was a ‘sinner’. Rev. Tom welcomed him and told him,
“Not my Church – your Church… Not my way – your way.” Pastor Tom and his wife now enjoy family and sustainable living especially with native plants, and fishing.
Pastor Ray Morris installed the Executive for 2021-22 then concluded the day with a devotion and a blessing for all “Go in Peace to love and Serve all people around us”.

“Be still my Soul” was chosen for the memorial hymn.