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“Caring for others” was the theme for the day, 1Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you received to serve others, as faithful stewards of Gpd’s grace in its various forms”. 30 people enjoyed morning tea served on the deck of Hopeland Hall, Tabeel Retirement Village Laidley. The day honoured Tabeel and ANUHA services.

Pr Jing challenged us to know what we are good at in his devotion. Gifts refer to hospitality. Learn to serve home, work and church. “Brother let me be your servant” was sung with enthusiasm.

Zone President Shirley Klinge welcomed all present – greetings were read. A visual display of banners from Tabeel and ANUHA, plus a wheelchair with a crochet rug, a wheelie walker completed the display beside a large table draped in orange with words “CARE FOR OTHERS” displayed across the front.  Reports and greetings as printed in the Book of reports were taken as read. Guild/Fellowship groups to discuss and report back for the future of our Zone. As WMZ are the hosts, an update was given on Retreat/Convention 2023. With no nominations Shirely Klinge accepted for another 12 mths. Other positions unchanged.

ANUHA: Robert Evelyn reported 135 on books, 125 supported. NDIS insurance, best practice over past 12 months. Run Tip Shop, recycling program and cottage Kitchen. New structure with Peace Church in the Coffee Shop and Homeless care and financial disadvantaged folk, more in need of support. Tabeel Service Manager: as Suzanne Bosworth is unwell, Blake Gray has been in the role for 6 mths. His role as community liaison admissions, etc. Bridges the gap between home and residential care.

Tabeel Chaplain Noel Burton, gave a short history with power point, and spoke of the volume of paperwork. He shares Bible study Fellowship and Tabeel Praise once a week. Services each Sunday and HC fortnightly. While he doesn’t condone Voluntary Assisted Dying, he is happy to discuss it. All guests received a thank you from Delma Barrrett. Vice Pres Faye Gutzke gave a comprehensive vote of thanks to all and presented Shirley with a small handmade quilt. Rob Ballani volunteer chaplain entertained with 3 songs, one his own composition and lead our praise session.

Closing Devotion Pr Peter Geyer encouraged us to continue our care, as Lutheran Care is looking after people. He spoke on the care at Hopevale (aboriginal tribal fights), in our aged and disability services, hospital chaplaincy, RE in schools. Why we care for others!. The answer is WE CARE, and GOD CARES FOR US. It is important to point them to Jesus who cares for them.

The day closed with LWQ Prayer and Closing Hymn “To God be the Glory”

A great day of Fellowship enjoyed by all who attended.

Reporter: Wendy Paech.

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