14th October 2024 Hosted by: Alberton Ladies Guild AT ST PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH ALBERTON What…
Darling Downs Zone Fellowship Day September 14, 2022.
Crows Nest and Haden Fellowship hosted a Fellowship Day on September 14, 2022 with Haden Fellowship President Dianne Brown and Crows Nest Parish Chairman Glen Voll welcomed 37 ladies, 6 visitors and 4 Pastors to St. Lukes Crows Nest under the theme “Stepping into Spring”.
Pastor Mark Denmer led us into the day with a devotion based on Zechariah10:1 “Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime. It is the Lord who makes the storm clouds. He gives showers of rain to men and plants of the field to everyone” Since the end of last year God sent rain in abundance compared to previous years, and what a difference rain makes seeing dams being full, springs flowing and green fields once again. He has renewed our land just in the same way He renews us through the waters of our baptism and through hearing his word daily. He will always see us through bad and good times and always bring us back into His fold when we go astray, for God’s love is always there in abundance for us.
Pastor Dylan Miegel brought us further in depth with bible study of God’s abundant love through righteousness and justice in several passages from the book of Isaiah. Closing with the words ‘So intent is God to establish a garden, so intent is God to bring justice and healing to the nations, that no human sin can stop his plan. Those who have been sealed by his name through the waters of baptism will be brought through their trials to behold the stream of living water from God’s throne and through his garden. It is there that humanity will once again share in God’s joy for all things living.’
A registered nurse, an active member in the Crows Nest Show Society and a mother of four, Jessica Hansen our guest speaker, saw her way of helping and rejuvenating/brightening up her community through her experience in 2007 ABC Heywire. Through Heywire she learnt how grants could benefit her vision of brightening up the blank walls of the local show pavilion. In 2019 the Australian Government had grants going for rural areas, hopefully that would fit the bill for her project.. After three times applying she was successful, enabling her to engage a Mongolian street artist Heesco (Khosnaran Khurelbaatar) to carry out the project of painting three walls of the Pavillon depicting the cultural and local attributes of the Crows Nest community.
Qld ALWS rep, Pastor Martin Scharnke gave a report on the refugee crisis in Ukraine, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kenya and Somalia. Large percentage of refugees are women and children. Monies can be raised by participating in ‘Walk My Way’ and through Gifts of Grace Pastor Nathan Glover updated us on vacancies and installations around Queensland.
Pastor Martin Scharnke closed the morning with a devotion based on Ephesian2:10 ‘Each of us are God’s handiwork to do good works and spring into some joy as we do His work’.
Reporter: Cheryl Peters
Liesel Vonhoff explained the symbolism of the colours used by her and her Grandmother’s (Joan Vonhoff) floral display featuring green for the sign of growth, life and hope; red for Jesus’ blood that was shed for us; white to show that Jesus has washed away our sins and yellow for God’s radiant glory…
(Hazel Weis from Minutes)