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West Moreton Zone Fellowship Day 29/08/2023
LWQ West Moreton Zone Fellowship Day 29/08/2023
Immanuel Lutheran Church Ropeley. Our theme “Peace in Christ” John 14 v 27

After a delicious morning tea, Pr. Jing Luan led the opening devotion. He asked us if we felt we had peace in our lives and in the world. As Christians, we do find peace in Jesus. We have the Peace of God in our hearts and lives. “Make me a channel of your peace”. With Val Dodt organist for the day.
Shirley Reimann, secretary of Ropeley Guild welcomed all present. Shirley Klinge welcomed everyone on behalf of LWQ WMZ. It was a pleasure to have LWQ executive members join us for the day.
Mrs Shirley Reimann explained the meaning of the Visual display “Peace in Christ” depicted by a large decorated wooden cross topped with a white Dove of Peace. A bunch of olive leaves and an old plough shear with the sign “Peace not war” reflected our desire for world peace. The world globe with a cross in front reminds us that Jesus died to save everyone. The open Bible and open hands of God reminds us he offers us peace.
Pastor Peter Geyer led the Bible study. Sin destroyed peace but Jesus came into the world as the Prince of Peace. The Holy Spirit brings us a deep inner peace. Jesus has won eternal peace for all through his life, suffering, death, and resurrection.
Guest speaker Fay Gutzke, is a prolific quilter who learned to sew as a little girl, from an old dressmaker who taught her to sew using material scraps. Fay showed us more than 24 quilts she had made over the years. Each quilt has a story. When Fay sees a need, she makes a quilt as a gift to help ease the pain of troubled people. She makes memory quilts for herself and others. Making quilts helps her feel closer to God and brings her peace.. Her love of birds and flowers, are often depicted in Fay’s quilts. She makes quilts for guest speakers and prizes for competitions. What an amazing talented generous follower of Christ. Guess what she did during covid lockdowns!

The offering of $535.00 was given to the LCA Disaster Fund. The Ropeley ladies sang “Whispering Hope”. Pastor Peter Geyer led closing devotion and finished the morning with prayer. lunch in the hall ended a very enjoyable Fellowship Day.
Reporter Jan Fischer.