14th October 2024 Hosted by: Alberton Ladies Guild AT ST PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH ALBERTON What…
LWQ Wide Bay Burnett Zone 55th Fellowship Day
LWQ Wide Bay Burnett Zone 55th Fellowship Day
held on 7th September 2023
Held at St Paul’s Lutheran Church Murgon
Theme “Strong and Courageous” Joshua 1 v 9
The morning began with a refreshing cuppa followed by a communion service, which included several favourite hymns and bible readings on our theme for the day, conducted by our guest pastor for the day Jordan Bennett. A warm welcome was given to all by host guild Lavine Perkins and zone president Nola Zerner.
Pastor Jordan led a challenging bible study based on Joshua 11:1-9 where we were reminded again and again to take courage and don’t be afraid for the Lord our God will be with us wherever we go.
The afternoon began with Praise followed by Guest speaker Katie Zerner, physiotherapist, wellness and life coach and vibrational kinesiologist speaking about our health and ways we can use to help us keep fit and healthy using our diet, exercise deep breathing to relieve our stress and caring for each other. How to get up after a fall – demo given – this was of great help and interest to all – thank you Katie.
Guest speakers from Graham house, Murgon Maree and Alicia, shared the history of Graham house from when it was originally a family home, hospital, hostel for children during the war, boarding house for school children, flats, in 1988 caring for the needy. In 2022 a new building replaced the old and the assistance to the public increased where the following were available: Family support, Older wiser and stronger – domestic violence, building futures together – helping to keep families together, Emergency relief – financial crisis, Family thrift shop, community garden, book exchange and seniors monthly morning tea are just some of the things on offer from Graham House today – thank you Maree and Alicia.
We had the privilege of the Vice President of LWA Maureen Turner and LWQ President Val Kath in attendance.
The offering $480 was given to the Uganda Sewing rooms.
To finish a wonderful day of fellowship, Judy Guse led us in a devotion.
Reporter: Joan Yappa