Convention Newsletter #182 August 2020
Download and read our latest newsletter as we look forward to our annual convention in October. LWQ Convention NewsletterDownload
Download and read our latest newsletter as we look forward to our annual convention in October. LWQ Convention NewsletterDownload
FROM YOUR PRESIDENT: Greetings Sisters in Christ. As you read this you are most likely in the midst of Christmas activities or they have…
F.R.O.G. Fully Rely on God 1 John 4:16 So we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever…
19th September 2019. Hosted by the ‘Zion’ Womens Guild – Gympie. Approximately 40 Ladies and Gentlemen from across ten Guilds/Fellowship gathered together, and were…
September 5th 2019 Did you know that you are a very special person for a very special purpose? This is because of God's various…
Rally Day for West Moreton Zone was held 22 May 2019 34 Ladies and two Pastors present. West Moreton Executive (left to right): Maureen…
“It only takes a spark” was the Theme of LWQ Darling Downs Rally held on Saturday 4th May 15, 2019 Hosted by Goombungee/Kulpi/Maclagan Women’s…
The floral displays incorporated chocolates in amongst the flowers. “Life is Like a Box of Chocolates” was the theme of the day. A beautiful…
Wide Bay Burnett Zone 52nd Rally 4th April 2019, hosted by St. John’s Trinity Fellowship Wondai. Almost 50 women from across the Zone gathered…
Held: April 9, 2019 Hosts for the day IMMANUEL BUDERIM, welcomed Ladies and Gents with Morning Tea on Fellowship Terrace a fitting start to…